
Explore at your own pace.

    1. Welcome to Cocoon Room

    2. Cocoon Room Intention

    3. Navigating the Platform

    4. Resource Hub Chapters

    1. Guiding Heart Word Introduction

    2. Activity 1: Anchor Your Energy

    3. Activity 2: Anchor Your Heart

    4. Activity 3: Anchor Your Intention Part 1

    5. Anchor Your Intention Part 2

    6. Anchor Your Intention Part 3

    1. Create Space Introduction

    2. Creating Space Matters

    3. Create Physical Space

    4. Create Mental Space

    5. Create Emotional Space

    6. Create Energetic Space

    7. Create Space Reflection

    1. Your Inner Seasons Introduction

    2. Inner Seasons At A Glance

    3. Autumn Shedding

    4. Winter Cocooning

    5. Spring Integration

    6. Summer (Re) Emergence

    7. Life Seasons At A Glance

    8. Menstrual Cycle At A Glance

    9. Inner Seasons Reflection

    1. Maps to My Heart Introduction

    2. Instructions & Printable A4 Heart Map

    3. Legacy & Your Heart's Vision

    4. 90 Year Old Self Audio Activity

    5. Discover Your Core Values

    6. Life Satisfaction Activity

    7. Identify Your Strengths & Skills

    8. Explore Your Interests, Passions & Gifts

    9. Connect With Your Desires & Dreams

    10. Intuition over Intellect

    11. Discover Your Heart's Essence

    12. Love and Let Go List

    13. Fear As a Limiting Force

    14. Inner Roadblocks

    15. Honest Self-Inquiry

    16. Self-Care Reflection

    17. Non-Negotiable Self-Care

    18. Take One Step

    19. A Celebratory Finish

    1. Integrate What Your Need

    2. Practice Can Be Playful

    3. The Sacred Pause

    4. Morning Connection

    5. Cultivate Inner Stillness

    6. Cultivate Self-Kindess

    7. Soften Your Body Part 1

    8. Soften Your Body Part 2

    9. Embodied Meditation

    10. Sound Relaxation

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  • $197.00
  • 93 lessons

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